Cloud-based and outsourcing services

Every successful company has one mutual key success factor in common: they utilize the majority of their resources for their core activities, while their support functions are typically outsourced. The rapidly changing IT and business environment requires a flexible and adaptive attitude from every single company on the market. This is the very reason why more and more companies decide to purchase professional services rather than taking to investing large amounts into hiring more employees.

These changes are fully supported by our cloud-based and outsourcing solutions in the field of source-to-pay automation.

Electornic archiving

Our electronic archiving service is based on the same digitising, intelligent data extraction, electronic signing and timestamp technologies that we offer for sell as stand-alone or integrated applications. For those companies that can not afford to build up their own electronic archiving system, we provide full service of archiving infrastructure that includes organising and storing paper-based and electronic documents, digitising and electronic authenticated conversion, and safely accessible datas on drives or in the cloud.

Intelligent data extraction

Our intelligent data extraction solution is the ideal choice at companies where an expensive investment on software development could not return because the number of documents do not reach the level of economies of scale. Just like in our electronic archiving service, ICR/OCR technologies and the experience of our experts make it possible to extract datas from any type of documents and transfer them to the customer on physical devices or via safe electronic channels (SFTP).

Involving suppliers

Nowadays more and more companies choose to use an e-sourcing solution to increase their effectiveness, but those companies often do not have enough resources to register the suppliers and teach them hot to use the system. This process requires a very intensive communication that can be outsourced to our experienced experts, who provide personal guidance or helpdesk for the suppliers.